Religious Education
As a Church of England school, we believe that high quality Religious Education is the key to enabling all children to flourish.
We follow the “Questful RE” scheme, produced by Blackburn Diocese. This syllabus has been designed to embrace the explicit teaching of Christian concepts and God’s Big Salvation Story, which is focused around the following narrative: Creation, Fall, People of God, Incarnation, Gospel, Salvation and the Kingdom of God.
We use "God’s Big Story” to help us to understand the Bible narrative. It helps us to understand the Bible as more than a collection of different texts, more as one overarching, coherent story. Each unit of teaching and Christian value can be related to “God’s Big Story.”
The children are encouraged to ask and discuss lots of questions, even those which seem impossible to answer. The children will confidently navigate their own religious journey, searching together for answers and understanding.
The content of the syllabus ensures that all children have a deeper understanding of Christianity. In addition, children explore all major World Faiths and discuss world views where appropriate.